Self-sufficiency in food for domestic development and prosperity is inevitable

The distribution of water by closing the economic exploitation of farmers will have to be fair


Agriculture is the backbone of Pakistan's economy and agriculture brings billions of rupees to Pakistan annually, but unfortunately the government on farmers and agriculture is very small Spend, that's why Pakistan's rural population is moving towards large cities over the passage, and large cities are under tremendous population pressure The plight is deteriorating and is steadily accelerating because the government has not been interested in agriculture and farmers have their own farmers are growing Due to lack of adequate land employment, these professions are leaving and moving cities, while each government is taking loans from the IMF's World Bank and Islamic countries to the national treasury I have been proud of the growing dollars۔

The borrowing from the IMF and the World Bank can only stop when we make it a top priority to improve the plight of the farmer۔

Proper determination of wheat 'caps and sugarcane prices and ensuring full crop purchase at the official rate, as well as standard fertilizers' seeds at the time of harvesting to government farmers, easy to facilitate agricultural medicines and agricultural machinery Provide on terms and ensure the availability of abundant water and the cost of these things to farmers when the harvest comes is taken at a reasonable price of any political party's claim is a total It is wrong that Pakistan's self-sufficient food in our government is the fact that before General Musharraf's government, all governments imported non-standard wheat from abroad and wheat Overseas Shopping 'Shipment' Storage' Transport The Commission Mafia recruited its stomach at every stage and there is a mafia in Pakistan that does not fill the stomach with local looting but abroad No opportunity to fill your stomach by purchasing things from hand and before General Musharraf, Pakistan was not self-sufficient in food and not from abroad every country The year was imported non-standard wheat۔3 kg sugar and 3 kg of wheat from abroad is equal to one kilo of sugar and wheat.

The government should regularly clean up 2 bar in the year and start now Water distribution should also be fair If General Musharraf had appointed 350 rupees in 1999-2000, then 20 years later, the current government should now set a value of Rs 500, if not much The price of cotton should be at least Rs 4 1,000 min and wheat at least Rs.2,500۔

India's population is 26 26 million and India is self-sufficient in food for such a large population and per-acre per-acre production in Indian Punjab is much higher than Pakistan because There are also quality fertilizers and agricultural drugs, and the prices of these things are much lower in India than in Pakistan and there is a special focus on the government's agriculture and the farmer has every focus on every farmer Subsidies are given at the level while neither fertilizer is standard in Pakistan nor the quality of seeds and agricultural medicines is correct and prices of non-standard items are too high But the government's subsidy is nominal, while the agriculture sector pays the country billions of rupees annually, but the government's subsidy is for camel .

The availability of abundant water to the farmer for agricultural development and self-sufficiency in food is also of fundamental importance, and in addition to the Nehri areas, landowners of irrigation areas from Tube wells are the same Time can work hard when they have to pay a monthly fixed power bill to run a tube wheel or run a system of payment per unit at very low cost So, agriculture will grow and the landowners who run from diesel to tube well due to the huge rise in diesel prices are suffering from a total loss in the crop And many have adopted the method of cultivating only wheat crops instead of taking 2-3 crops a year because the crop from diesel to tube veal goes to the damage And the farmer can't even find his hard work, in this regard, the federal and provincial governments will have to formulate effective policies for agriculture by paying special attention and better so it is That, like General Musharraf, existing governments should convene a peasant conference and ensure full implementation by formulating farmers' own demands and policies in line with the Charter of Demand So the flour and the Chinese mafia in the country will face failure۔

Despite self-sufficiency in food, the government's wrong policies and stockpile mafia factories also cause problems and inflation for the common man۔As long as there is no abundant wheat and sugar in the need of your country, giving to any other country is completely abusive to its people Giving powers to people who are responsible for the flour and the Chinese crisis is a completely wrong procedure and in this regard the government has made appropriate decisions against the hoarding mafia Strict steps must be taken۔